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Well, if anyone ever ask me What is good about not going to the University? I'd say so many things.
First of all, you can sleep and sleep for hours. Although I'm not really good at sleeping because life is too short, too good and goes fast and I don't want to waste my time at sleeping. Anyway, it's really nice to wake up when you body tells you and not because the alarm wakes you up.
Second, you don't feel pressured anymore. It is horrible to know that after you finished classes at 6 you have to go home and keep on studying or working at home. Even worse is when you can not even go home because you have a paper to do! Another thing, when you are studying, you can't go out if you have something to do or to study because you are thinking about it all the time.
The last and best thing to me is that you have 24 hours to do whatever you want. In my case is to read. But not those silly books about Phylosophy (which I hate), beautiful novels. They can be romantic, drama, in English or Spanish. This year I've read a lot of Jane Austen. My fauvorite book of this great author is Emma. I absolutely recommend it!

Also, I read a beautiful book called "El Lunático y Prometeo". This is an amazing book about friendship. I definitely recommend it!

Anyway, if you like reading here is a webpage you can read a lot of the greates books in history. Free Literature
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