"A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...don't you think
A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...

It's like rain on your wedding day

It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures"

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2007


Gloomy night

As a Chilean, I did not believe in Halloween and I did not celebrate it either, not until this night.

It was the night of October 31st. It was a cold, dark and very gloomy night. My little sister, Victoria,had gone to celebrate Halloween with some friends of hers. As usual, on my block, the kids went house by house trick or treating and asking for candies. At 10 p.m. my sister was already in bed and no one was outside. At least, that is what I thought.

I went to bed and all the doors of my house were locked. I was reading and everyone in my house was sleeping. Suddenly, my bedroom light turned off. I freaked out and I stood up to turn on the light. Then, I was back in bed and the light turned off again. I was terrified and my body was trembling with fear. I could not believe what had just happened. In that moment, while I was standing up to turn on the light, I heard my aunt's voice calling my name. I looked through the window and I saw her. While I opened the window, she asked me to open the door. I went downstairs, opened the door and let her in. When I closed the door, my aunt started to change. Suddenly, I saw a sort of man with a black tunic. His face was grey and I could see a lot of scars on it. His eyes were red and he was really scary. His hands were shaking and covered with blood. I started screaming but nobody heard my voice. I felt so terrified and anxious. The "spirit" started laughing so loud and I got into my mom's bedroom. The "spirit" followed me and with his claws killed my sister, 'Oh, Victoria' I said. I started crying and screaming even louder than before but nobody listened to me. Then, I realized that I was mute. I prayed and prayed, thinking if the Lord would hear me, thinking if the Lord would help me. While I was praying, he killed my mother by cutting her head out of her body and he threw it to me. I felt the horror running through my veins and suddenly my body was shocked off.

When I woke up, I was in bed with the book in my hands and the light was on. I had been sleeping, or I thought I was. Seconds later, I went downstairs and there was no "spirit" around the first floor of my house. I went to my mom's bedroom to see if she was OK, to see if it had just been a nightmare and I saw the walls were bleeding and I screamed and cried all night, but nobody listened, nobody was there, nobody.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2007

The Scarlet Letter 4


There is no much integrity in this world these days. The main problem is bribery. This money paid to stay shut or to lie it is what perverts our integrity. Sometimes it is not money what we receive, but some favors.

"Never," replied Hester Prynne, looking, not at Mr. Wilson, but into the deep and troubled eyes of the younger clergyman. "It is too deeply branded. Ye cannot take it off. And would that I might endure his agony as well as mine!” This quote is what implies that Hester Prynne was a woman with high integrity. She will be never bribed because she is not a corrupt person. Hester is waiting for Mr. Dimmsdale to tell the truth and she will face society for him.

In all these acts when she refuses to say who her child’s father is, she is showing deep love for Mr. Dimmsdale. She must have really loved him to face all this guilt alone. Although, sometimes, it seems that she is accusing him for not speaking up. Although, she loved him, she feels anger and pity at the same time. Throughout the story she still refuses to tell who he is.

These are the acts of a person with integrity, a person who might be killed, but will not say what should not be said.

The Scarlet Letter 3


There are many ways in which you can hide an affair. When you are a woman and get pregnant because of the affair, it is terrible. How will you tell your husband? Would you lie to him and say “This is your son”? I think that this is really common these days. Men also have children outside the marriage, the difference is that they do not carry their children for nine months. Consequently, it is easier for them to hide this situation.

This is the same experience Hester Prynne had to go through. She had an affair within a Puritan Society, but the worse thing is that she was married. Even worse was that her husband arrived when she was being shown as the walking sermon before the comunity. It was hard for her to face her husband embracing her child.

Roger Chillingworth, known as a doctor, but actually Hester’s husband arrived in a bad moment. Even though Hester hurted him, he did not want to revenge against her because he was sure Hester did not love him, he married her anyway. He knew that he was the first who made a mistake because he understood that Hester will never be happy with him. Although he wanted revenge, it was not against her but against the child’s father.

It is extremely hard for any person to face another when you know this other person has being lying to you. That is pretty much what happens between Hester and Roger in the prison. He started insulting her and saying bad and ugly things to her. For me, that reaction was totally understandable.

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2007

Short Story 2

"Private Lessons"

False teacher ran away after been accused of sexual arrestment

Hu Jian Ming is seventeen and a Chinese student at Bangkok International Academy, an international school for the children of foreign people working in Thailand. This academy is really expensive but Hu An Yuan, Hu’s Father, works for a Chinese oil Company and the Company helped Hu An Yuan to pay for the academy. Hu likes animals. Actually, she loves animals and nature. Her hometown is Wu Xi and it is full of nature. Hu brought, from Wu Xi , Lao Mao, a cat. Hu always talks to Lao Mao. Hu is a good daughter. She is very respectful with her parents. Also, Hu is a very good student. She works very hard in her homework. Moreover, she is really good at English.

Mr. Declan Stanyer was the English teacher at Bangkok International Academy. Mr. Stanyer is from the United States and he studied at Ohio State University. He started teaching last term at this prestigious academy. Mr. Declan Stanyer is bald, a bit fat and very sweaty. He always smells terrible and he always looked at Hu very much and smiled at her.

Hu got a bad result for her English test. She only got a 46 % although she studied very hard. The problem was that she had to get a better grade because she has to get into the International Baccalaureate program. She has to get the IB because her father wants her to be a doctor. Mr. Stanyer talked to Hu and he decided to help her with “private lessons” after school but Hu had to pay him for them. Hu did not have enough money and she did not want to tell her father because he was too busy with his job and his own problems. She had to pay him five hundred Bath. One day, Mr. Stanyer asked Hu if she would like to go to his apartment to be “more comfortable”. This was clearly evidence of sexual assault.

Hu talked to Mr. Riding, the school counselor, and he made a meeting with the principal of the Academy, some teachers and Hu’s father. At the end, Hu realized that she must tell the truth to her father. Her father was very angry about it. He could not believe how the English teacher was so shameless. Hu An Yuan could not believe his daughter was suffering.

Mrs. Verity Truman, the head of Upper School at the Academy, heard about the problem between Hu and Mr. Stanyer and called Wiwat Phalavadhana, an important official.

In the meeting, everybody except Hu An Yuan said that Hu Jian Ming was telling lies. When the principal was about to say that Hu had to leave the school, Mrs. Truman and Mr. Phalavadhana arrived into the meeting and they said that everything Hu had said was true. Mr. Phalavadhana told the principal that there was no record in Ohio State University of a student called Declan Stanyer and he did not have permission to work in Thailand. Mrs. Truman gave some porn magazines to the principal and he said ‘Mr. Stanyer’ but he was not there.

‘Just disappeared! Three weeks now, and no one’s seen him. Of course the police are still interested. But I had no idea! I was away when he was given the job. The head of the Upper School then, Mr. Nyondo, had made the arrangements. And of course, the school will pay back the money Hu spent on the “private lessons”, said Mr. Grisman, the principal of the Bangkok International Academy, the same one who accused Hu of telling lies. TBAT

Short Story 1

Red Dress
It was a great night. They have been seeing
each other for a year now, but they have never
spent a night together. He was wearing a beautiful
and elegant grey suit. "It looked so good on him"
- she thought. She was wearing an outstanding,
long, backless red dress with a nice neckline. Her
figure looed so beautiful. They went out to have
dinner and later they went to his apartment. He
was a doctor and she was studying her last year
of Pedagogy. In the apartment all lights were off
and they were iluminated only by candlelight. She
was extremely nervous. It was her first time (with
him). The passion they felt for each other was
like the Everest. Now, they were of each other,
they belonged to each other. There was no more
candlelight, there was only sunrise. They had their
first night together.

The Scarlet Letter 2


How difficult it is for a mother to give birth being in prison. Many women that are arrested and pregnant have the bad experience of giving birth, maybe not in prison, but later they have to go back to prison with their child. If it is difficult for them, mothers, I imagine how difficult it is for a kid to grow up in prison.

This was shown in a part of The Scarlet Letter, when it says that little Pearl was used to see the grey walls of the prison. How hard would have been if she had to live her entire life in prison. Although, even harder seems to be the daugther of a sinner and the product of a sin. She lived, although she was innocent, with the pressure of being pointed as Hester Prynne’s daugther. She had no father and that, of course, was not accepted in the Puritan Society.

Nowadays, it is pretty much the same. Kids are being born on prisons and living there. It must be really hard to grow up in the prison knowing that you are only allowed to go out when you go to school. Furthermore, it must be extremely hard not being able to go out with your mom on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Sometimes, it is much better to part with a child if this is the life he will get.

Being in prison it is extremely difficult for an adult, for a kid is devastating.

The scarlet Letter 1


What outfit should I wear today? Is it a formal or informal ocation? This is very important in a woman’s life because everybody, especially women, have to make a good first impression.

It is also amazing how a woman can be discriminated by the way she dresses. In the case of The Scarlet Letter, this was shown the time when Hester Prynne was being exposed in the scaffold. She was wearing a beautiful outfit according to her age. The problem was that that outfit was not permitted in the Puritan Society, so other women, who were staring at Hester, started critizacing her for the way she looked.

Nowadays, women can be usually discriminated by what we wear. Sometimes, men do not understand how important it is to choose the right dress. They might think it is silly, but it is not silly for us. A lot of people make judgements when they see a woman who is happy with her appearence and has no problem to show how sexy she is. This people, actually, treat this women as if they were prostitutes.

In my opinion, I really think there is no problem if you have something nice to show. Not too much either, because that would be in the limit of rudeness. We should not be making judgements about a person only by his or her outfit. There are other more important things to be judging such as the social problems or the unhealthy way kids in SENAME live.