"A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...don't you think
A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...

It's like rain on your wedding day

It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures"

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2007


This is one of many things I think I'm going to share here. I want to tell you that every day it's extremely fun for me. Especially, when I'm with these girls. I'm sure they make university feel so much better, you know? We are always having a great time. This might be the time of our lives. What I'm trying to say is that we must take every chance to meet new people and , more important, get to know them. Let's not be judges before meeting people. If I were a person with prejudice I would have never been friend of them. Kidding!

I really appreciate every single one of them. With their different and singular traits, bad humor or good humor, in good and bad situations. We are a cool group of people, with no ENVY and with respect to each other. I hope we get to finish this and graduate together.

Here is a fun video I wanted to share with nobody (because nobody gets into my blog). This is about a time we tried to talk without saying any "bad word". Surprisingly I didn't say any!

Garabatos por Chirlitos

1 comentario:

Bitter Destiny dijo...

Oh my Gosh!!!

I can´t believe it!!! I´m crying... hehehe... =)

Your words for us were really beautiful. I appreciate so much that you can express your feelings for us... I feel the same for your girls... You are a very important person in my life Carola... really!

I hope that this friendishp can continue !