Becoming a teacher is indeed a hard task. There are so many elements outside of your own discipline that can become really stressful once you are in front of a class. Fortunately, there are many experts that can help you in a very complex task: Classroom Management. Reading the article “11 Techniques for Better Classroom Discipline” by Thomas R. McDaniel makes us reflect about what techniques are more appropriate in our deficient chilean context.
Hardly ever has someone disagreed with the statements in the article. However, little background was presented. All the techniques presented are extremely important in every teaching situation. Having all those techniques such as Focusing, Direct Instruction, and Monitoring in the class makes it almost ideal. For example, it is a good idea to give them time at the end of the class or not to yell every time a problem arises. But, there are situations in the Chilean system of education that need to be resolved: the amount of students in the class, lack of psychological knowledge and better strategies for before thinking about applying these techniques in our classrooms. In the meantime, we will do our best.
In conclusion, you have to be what you want your students to be. This way, they will behave as you do in the classes because you are the main role model in the classroom and they will equal you in every possible way. If you want respect and a great environment in your classroom, do respect your students.