It's life, isn't?

Sometimes you feel full of joy and happiness, and the next minute you just feel miserable. On Tuesday, I was happy, full of joy, success and friends. Everything was going according to my plans. I still have some of these things but, unfortunately, they are not giving me happiness anymore. It is amazing how things change so quickly. Even though I've tried to feel complete by these things that make me happy, there are so many things that make feel sad.

How can a life be going through so many different situations that make you happy and sad from one minute to another? The worst of all this is that we do not choose this sad situations, for they just come and drag you to an immense feeling of hopelessness.
Unfortunately, we drag some of our friends with us, so I want to apologize to all of them who have felt being drag to unhappiness because of me. I am really sorry.

Sometimes I feel I do not deserve all these sad things because I am not a bad person. I always try to do my best and to help and support everybody, so Why is life so hard on me? Please, JUST GIVE ME A BREAK.

It is very hard to feel as sad as I feel, when I am alone in my house with no one to lend me a shoulder. I could use some friends right now!