Today, I was in our second grade class and suddenly my teacher started dancing with a song and motivated every student to dance along with her. I think that is a very good way of motivating the students and a fun way of learning too. The problem was that there were like 4 students that did not dance at all. Then, when the dance was finished, I asked her what we could do with the students that did not want to dance. She told me “everybody was dancing” and I said that was not so. She did not reply, so I thought maybe she wanted to believe that everything was perfect or that it was impossible to think that 6 year-old kids did not want to dance. I did not mention this again because we have been having some problems about my performance as her assistant. Sometimes I feel she does not want me in her classes anymore because I see things in a deeper way. In this situation I can see segregation because not every student is considered in the pedagogical practice.
I have realized something very important the last few days. The teachers in this Foundation stay quiet without speaking their mind. I do not know why, but I definitely know that this should not be happening because as teachers we must understand that one of our most important roles is to have full responsibility for the students learning. With teachers staying quiet we are just allowing other people to make decisions about our actions in the classroom. Exactly the same that has happen with the Education General Law (LGE). Sadly, we are not considered because there are not many teachers that have something to say. As we have discussed in classes, there are many technicians in the system. For instance, I cannot understand how a coordinator comes once in a while and makes suggestions if he/she is not there every day with the kids. As lately, the voice of the teachers is not considered and we cannot let this happen.

I hate the position I am in now because I am only allowed to observe and I cannot change this tragic reality. I wish we could have a more active role, but when you make an opinion you are considered as someone that has no idea of education, that you have no experience or you are just learning; when the truth is that they have allowed the system to be like this. When I think about it, I see that some teachers that are in the system are guilty of it for they have done nothing to change it. Now there is this movement, everybody wants to join but they do not give anything rich enough to help. I truly think we are the ones that have to change this and I will work extremely hard to do it.

Just one question to finish, Is because of Belen Educa that these things are happening or is because of the teachers that do not do anything to change this reality?