"A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...don't you think
A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...

It's like rain on your wedding day

It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures"

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2007

Schools at Last

Long time without writing. Well, I have a story to tell and something to share.

It was a Friday and we had a meeting with some of the teachers. This meeting was about next year's experiences at schools. Everything was right, maybe I hadn't realized of where I was or what was going to happen.

I'm going back to school, now for being leading the class!

Suddenly, they said "You have to wear a blue apron". As simple as that, you know? I felt something on my stomach. I thought, I'm here, there is no coming back. I thought, "Carola, you are a teacher already!"So many emotions came to my mind. First of all, I'm extremely scared. This is because you want to do some good and if you don't you'll be frustated. In these two years at the Univerity, I've learned so many things about Education that I know there are so many things to be changed. Where can we start? The best answer is to start by changing your mind. You have to make a change and do not become one of the many old-fashioned teachers. Second, How can you forget the kids you meet? We are only going to be with these kids for 5 months. And, I assure you, you are going to be really important for them. They are going to love you and you are going to love them. There are so many kids abandon in this life that they hold everything so tight. You'll be their target. I don't want to disappoint them and I don't want them to fell abandon by me. Last, expectations. What can we expect? I don't have an answer or that, even though many people think I have an answer for everything. The only thing I expect is to make mistakes and learn from them. UH another thing I don't expect to know everything or to do everything right at the first time.
Life as teachers is full of mistakes, just like life itself. The greatest thing you can do Is to move on and learn. A life as a teacher is full of learning and I am willing to walk that life.

I would love to start teaching right now, but I'm not ready. Is any teacher ready? I don't think so!

I wonder if someday any kid or grown up will come with an apple or a message like this. I want nothing but love, care and Great persons!

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2007


This is one of many things I think I'm going to share here. I want to tell you that every day it's extremely fun for me. Especially, when I'm with these girls. I'm sure they make university feel so much better, you know? We are always having a great time. This might be the time of our lives. What I'm trying to say is that we must take every chance to meet new people and , more important, get to know them. Let's not be judges before meeting people. If I were a person with prejudice I would have never been friend of them. Kidding!

I really appreciate every single one of them. With their different and singular traits, bad humor or good humor, in good and bad situations. We are a cool group of people, with no ENVY and with respect to each other. I hope we get to finish this and graduate together.

Here is a fun video I wanted to share with nobody (because nobody gets into my blog). This is about a time we tried to talk without saying any "bad word". Surprisingly I didn't say any!

Garabatos por Chirlitos

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2007


Strike: stop work in order to press demands; "The auto workers are striking for higher wages"; "The employees walked out when their demand for better benefits was not met"; "Alberto Hurtado University students did a pacific demonstration of their unhappiness according to the rise of the anual fee."

What is going on in our dear university? Money, all the problems are about Money. Alberto Hurtado University studentes are on a strike because of the excesive rise of the anual fee for education. The thing is that is perfectly normal that every fee paid by students has to rise for the next year. The problem is how much. The legal amount or percentage is 5%. Last year the anual fee was rise to a 8%, more or less. That is way too much and everybody’s pocket can’t handle that.

What are we doing? Nothing, no way! We are on a pacific strike to demonstrate, to the authorities of our university, our dissatisfaction about the fees. Above all, we want a commitment from the university of not rising more than a 5% every year. Although we are aware of the finnancial problems the university is going through, we don’t want them to take away our money. The answer to our demands it is going to be on Monday at 3 p.m. We are hoping a favorable answer to go back to normal.

The strike has been a great opportunity to show everybody what we are capable of. Also, with this strike we’ve had the chance of meeting people from the first year and we’ve been able to discuss some of the problems we are having.

Go Girls!